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Soybeans at the elevator

Thursday, November 13, 2008

When you drop off your soybeans at the elevator, their journey has just begun. In fact, almost every other row of U.S. soybeans is used overseas. In 2005, 1.1 billion bushels of soybeans were exported, and that adds value to every soybean you produce. Your checkoff investment pays for international marketing programs to increase demand and create new markets across the globe. Below are just a few of the areas where your checkoff investment is working.

Checkoff programs are helping grain processors promote soybean meal and new feed technologies throughout China. And your investment also sponsors feeding trials, consultations and seminars to boost soybean meal use among swine and poultry producers.

Your checkoff also works to promote the use of soybean feed in aquaculture. And through the use of consultations with the culinary community, soy flours and other soy ingredients are finding a home in new cuisines.

Southeast Asia/Middle East/Africa
Throughout the region, soybean checkoff representatives are making connections and building relationships with customers and potential buyers of U.S. soybeans. Soybean checkoff programs also assist processors with technical assistance to develop, produce and market value-added products like high-quality dehulled soybean meal and high-protein energy blocks.

Latin America
Your checkoff investment is used to build interest in and demand for low trans fat soybeans. Representatives work with major influencers in the accommodations and food service industries to increase soy inclusion rates in the dishes served. At all points of the value chain, from processing to end-use by livestock farmers, the soybean checkoff is at work to add value to your soybeans.

In addition to promoting high soy inclusion rates in aquaculture, your soybean checkoff is promoting the use of biodiesel and other biobased industrial products. Diesel usage rates among consumers are much higher in Europe, as is interest in green, sustainable products. Europe represents an area for demand growth as soy-based products become increasingly important to the market.

As in Europe, there is a growing interest in soy biodiesel and other soy-based industrial products in Japan. Your soybean checkoff works with a variety of industrial leaders and exhibits at trade shows to encourage innovations that leverage the versatility and sustainability of soy-based plastics, lubricants and adhesives.